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Lake and fjord sediments, paleohydroclimatology, earth surface processes, natural hazards, sediment geochemistry

Recent and ongoing projects

Impact of climate change on hydrological hazards and carbon cycling in high latitude environments (Paris-Saclay University, ANR funding)

Paleo-GLOFs: Assessing the impact of climate change on the frequency of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Patagonia (at UGent, FWO funding)

HYDROPROX: Developing inorganic geochemical proxies for accurate paleohydrological reconstructions from fjord sediments (at UGent, UGent BOF funding)

GLADYS: Understanding how glacier dynamics is recorded in lake and fjord sediments (at UGent, FWO funding)

Influence of the westerlies on the Holocene variability of Patagonian glaciers (at UGent, UGent BOF funding)