HyCo Group

Continental hydrosystems: present and past functioning and implications for knowledge of water resources

A group of the GEOPS
laboratory Geosciences Paris-Saclay laboratory

Leader : Véronique Durand

The research themes developed by the HyCo group focus on the continental water cycle, in particular the dynamics of transfers within and between surface and groundwater compartments at different spatial scales of the catchment or aquifer and at different temporal scales (from chemical reaction to the recent Quaternary).  It mainly concerns free and confined aquifers, lake systems and wetlands linked to groundwater flows.

The objectives of the HyCo group’s research are (i) to understand the quantitative and qualitative functioning of hydro-systems in relation to climatic and anthropogenic forcings on the water cycle, and (ii) to preserve and sustainably manage water resources.

The HyCo group’s projects, which are co-constructed with societal partners, combine fundamental research with applied spin-offs. The methodologies addressed and developed use the tools of elemental and isotopic geochemistry, quantitative hydrogeology and environmental magnetism.