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Papers in review

  • Baker, M.L., Hage, S., Talling, P.J., Acikalin, S., Hilton, R., Sahin, S., Ruffell, S.C., Pope, E.L., Silva Jacinto, R., Clare, M.A. Globally Significant Mass of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Efficiently Transported by Canyon-Flushing Turbidity Currents. In review at Geology.
  • Baker, M.L., Talling, P.J., Burnette, R., Pope, E.L., Ruffel, S., Urlaub, M., Clare, M.A., Neasham, J., Simmons, S.M., Silva Jacinto, R., Cartigny, M.J.B., Hage, S., Hasenhundl, M., Heerema, C.J., Heijnen, M.S., Kunath, P., McGhee, C., Parsons, D.R., Peirce, C. Seabed seismometers reveal duration and structure of longest runout sediment flows on Earth. In review at Nature Geoscience.
  • Hasenhündl, M., Talling, P.J., Pope, E.L. Baker,M.L., Heijnen, M.S., Ruffell, S.C., Silva Jacinto, R. Gaillot, A., Hage, S., Simmons, S.M., Heerema, C. J., Mcghee,C., Clare, M.A., Cartigny, M.J.B. Morphometric fingerprints in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo Canyon-Channel. In review at Frontiers in Earth Science, section Marine Geoscience


  • Talling P.J., Hage S., Baker M. L., Bianchi T. S., Hilton R. G., Maier K. L. The Global Turbidity Current Pump and Its Implications for Organic Carbon Cycling. 2024. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16, 105-133.


  • Talling P.J., Cartigny M.J. B., Pope E., Baker M., Clare M. A., Heijnen M., Hage S., Parsons D.R., Simmons S. M., Paull C. K., Gwiazda R., Lintern G., Hughes Clarke J. E., Xu J., Silva Jacinto R., Maier K. L. 2023. Detailed monitoring reveals the nature of submarine turbidity currents. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4(9), 642-658.
  • Bailey, L, P. Clare, M.A., Pope, E.L., Haigh, I.D., Cartigny, M.J.B., Talling, P.J., Lintern, D.G., Hage, S., Heijnen, M.H. Predicting turbidity current activity offshore from river deltas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 604, 117977.


  • Hage S., Romans, B.W., Peploe, T.G.E., Poyatos-More, M., Haeri Ardakani, O., Bell, D., Englert, R.G., Kaempfe, S.A., Nesbit, P.R., Sherstan, G., Synnott, D.P., Hubbard, S.M. 2022b. High rates of organic carbon burial in submarine deltas maintained on geological timescales. Nature Geoscience, 15, 919-924.
  • Hage S., Galy V.V., Cartigny M.J.B., Heerema C., Heijnen M. S., Acikalin S., Clare M.A., Giesbrecht I., Gröcke D.R., Hendry A., Hilton R.G., Hubbard S.M., Hunt J.E., Lintern D.G., McGhee C., Parsons D.R., Pope E.L., Stacey C.D., Sumner E.J., Tank S., Talling P. J. 2022a. Turbidity currents can dictate organic carbon fluxes across river-fed fjords: An example from Bute Inlet (BC, Canada). Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 127(6), e2022JG006824 (16p.).
  • Pope E.L., Heijnen M.S., Talling P.J., Silva Jacinto R., Gaillot A., Baker M.L., Hage S., Hasenhündl M., Heerema C.J., McGhee C., Ruffel S.C., Simmons S.M., et al. 2022. Landslide-dams affect sediment and carbon fluxes in deep-sea submarine canyons. Nature Geoscience, 15, 845-853.
  • Talling P.J., Baker M. L., Pope E.L., Ruffell S.C., Silva Jacinto R., Heijnen M.S., Hage S., Simmons S.M., Hasenhündl M., Heerema C. J., McGhee C., Apprioual R., et al. 2022. Longest sediment flows yet measured show how major rivers connect efficiently to deep sea. Nature Communications, 13(1), 4193 (15p.) doi link                                                                                                                      
  • Pope E.L, Cartigny M.J.B., Clare M.A., Talling P.J., Lintern D. G., Vellinga A., Hage S., Acikalin S., Bailey L., Chapplow N., Chen Y., Eggenhuisen J., Hendry A., Heerema C.J, Heijnen M.S., Hubbard S.M., Hunt J.E, McGhee C., Parsons D.R, Simmons S.M, Stacey C.D, Vendettuoli D. 2022. First source-to-sink monitoring shows dense head controls sediment flux and runout in turbidity currentsScience Advances, 8(20), eabj3220 (16p.).
  • Heijnen M.S., Clare M.A., Cartigny M.J.B., Talling P.J., Hage S., Pope Ed L., Bailey Lewis, Sumner Esther, Gwyn Lintern D., Stacey Cooper, Parsons Daniel R., et al. 2022. Fill, flush or shuffle: How is sediment carried through submarine channels to build lobes? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584, 117481 (14p.).


  • Englert R. G., Hubbard S.M., Cartigny M.J.B., Clare M.A., Coutts D.S., Hage S., Hughes Clarke J.E., Jobe Z., Lintern D.G., Stacey C., Vendettuoli D. 2021. Quantifying the three-dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep-water outcrop observations. Sedimentology, 68(4), 1465-1501
  • Chen Y., Parsons D. R., Simmons S. M., Williams R., Cartigny M.J.B., Hughes Clarke J.E., Stacey C. D., Hage S., Talling P.J., et al. 2021. Knickpoints and crescentic bedform interactions in submarine channelsSedimentology, 68(4), 1358-1377.


  • Hage S., Galy V.V., Cartigny M.J.B., Acikalin S., Clare M.A., Grocke D.R., Hilton R.G., Hunt J.E., Lintern D. G., McGhee C.A., Parsons D.R., Stacey C.D., Sumner E. J., Talling P. J. 2020. Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity-current deposits. Geology, 48(9), 882-887.
  • Heijnen M.S., Clare M.A., Cartigny M. J. B., Talling P. J., Hage S., Lintern D. G., Stacey C., Parsons D. R., Simmons S. M., Chen Y., Sumner E. J., Dix J.K., Hughes Clarke J. E. 2020. Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution. Nature Communications, 11(1), 3129 (15p.).
  • Hubert-Ferrari A., Lamair L., Hage S., Schmidt S., Cagatay M.N., Avsar U. 2020. A 3800 yr paleoseismic record (Lake Hazar sediments, eastern Turkey): Implications for the East Anatolian Fault seismic cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 538, 116152 (14p.).


  • Hage S., Cartigny M.J.B., Sumner E.J., Clare M.A., Hughes Clarke J. E., Talling P.J., Lintern D. G., Simmons S.M., Silva Jacinto R., Vellinga Age J., Allin J.R., Azpiroz‐Zabala M., Gales J.A., Hizzett J.L., Hunt J.E., Mozzato A., Parsons D.R., Pope E.L., Stacey C.D., Symons W.O., Vardy M.E., Watts C. 2019. Direct monitoring reveals initiation of turbidity currents from extremely dilute river plumes. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(20), 11310-11320.
  • Vendettuoli D., Clare M. A., Clarke J. E. Hughes, Vellinga A., Hizzett J., Hage S., Cartigny M. J. B., Talling P. J., Waltham D., Hubbard S. M., Stacey C., Lintern D. G. 2019. Daily bathymetric surveys document how stratigraphy is built and its extreme incompleteness in submarine channels. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515, 231-247.


  • Hage S., Cartigny M.J.B., Clare M.A., Sumner E. J., Vendettuoli D., Hughes Clarke J.E., Hubbard S.M., Talling P. J., Lintern D. G., Stacey C.D., Englert R.G., Vardy M.E., Hunt J.E., Yokokawa M., Parsons D.R., Hizzett J. L., Azpiroz-Zabala M., Vellinga A. J. 2018. How to recognize crescentic bedforms formed by supercritical turbidity currents in the geologic record: Insights from active submarine channels. Geology, 46(6), 563-566.


  • Hage S., Hubert-Ferrari A., Lamair L., Avsar U., El Ouahabi M., Van Daele M., Boulvain F., Bahri M.A., Seret A., Plenevaux A. 2017. Flow dynamics at the origin of thin clayey sand lacustrine turbidites: Examples from Lake Hazar, Turkey. Sedimentology, 64(7), 1929-1956.